GmmEMGaussian mixture models are perhaps the most common model used for explaining (or modeling) data using clustering ideas. Although standard Gaussian models are common in many situations, they are not appropriate for many problems. For example, it is common to suppose that grades in a course should be Gaussian distributed (given enough students, of course). However, suppose that our data consist of grades for two courses, lumped together. If the courses have very different level of difficulty, the resulting distribution of grades will certainly not look Gaussian -- for example, the histogram might show two modes, centered at the averages within each course. How might we model such data, that consist of a mixture of two (or more) different populations? Mixture models address this task. Instead of using a single Gaussian distribution, we can define a weighted sum of Gaussian components (for example, one per course). In this case, we have a set of Gaussian parameters (mean The log-likelihood of the data under this model is given by
GMM as ClusteringAs in the above example, we typically do not know which data come from each component. In fact, if we knew which data were which, we could more easily model the groups individually. Alternatively, if we knew the component models, we might be able to determine which component each datum came from. Thus identifying both the assignment of data to each component, and the "description" of the component ( As in K-means, let us associate a variable Expect cll , Optim and variat interp Lower bound with q |