LogisticRegLogistic regression is used for predicting values between zero and one -- for example, probabilities. For this reason it is commonly used as a binary classification method, where the two class values are taken to be zero or one. The logistic function has a "sigmoid" shaped response, i.e., it looks like a flattened-out "S". Its functional form, and its derivative, are given by
We use the logistic function as a soft thresholding operation, to replace the perceptron's hard threshold T(). We maintain the linear "internal" form, i.e., given a feature vector x and parameters function value = logistic(theta, X) % Evaluate a logistic regression function with parameters theta In classification, of course, we need to predict a discrete class value; just as with the perceptron, we can simply threshold our real-valued predictor:
Because the logistic is smooth, we will be able to train it using gradient descent. In your homework, you are asked to perform online gradient descent. In online gradient descent, we define a cost function relative to a single data point i, for example the squared error of that data point alone: In Matlab, this is: [n,d] = size(Xtrain); Xtrain1 = [ones(n,1), Xtrain]; % Add a constant feature for i=1:n, sigmaxi = logistic(theta,Xtrain(i,:)); % compute the ith prediction grad = (sigmaxi - Ytrain(i)) * (sigmaxi)*(1-sigmaxi) * Xtrain1(i,:); theta = theta - stepsize * grad; % take a step down the gradient end; Yhat = logistic(wts, Xtrain); % compute all outputs mse(iter) = mean( (Ytrain-Yhat).^2 ); % and the overall MSE |