

Linear classifiers

A linear classifier is one whose decision function is a linear function of the input features, e.g., for a binary classifier between classes , a decision of the form where is our usual vector of feature values, and is a vector of weights. Note here that we have used classes , rather than our usual binary classes, to highlight that our decision rule is choosing the "sign" of the linear response .

Linear classifiers are sometimes called "perceptrons", their historical name when proposed by Rosenblatt and studied in the early days of artificial intelligence; they are a very simple type of neural network.

The decision boundary for a linear classifier is also linear. The decision boundary are the points at which we transition from decision +1 to decision -1; in our example, this occurs at precisely the solution to the linear equation . For example, for two features we can solve to find the decision boundary, which is a line in the two-dimensional feature space:

Linearly separable data

It is useful to differentiate between data sets that can be linearly separated, i.e., there exists a linear classifier that achieves zero training error, and those that cannot. A few examples are shown here, for both real-valued features and binary-valued features:

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Linearly separableNot linearly separable"AND" (Linearly separable)"XOR" (Not lin. sep.)

As can be seen, a perceptron / linear classifier cannot correctly learn an exclusive or (XOR) function, a result famously discussed by Minsky and Papert in 1969.

Training linear classifiers

What makes a good classifier? The usual measure of error for classification is the classification error, or misclassification rate -- the number of mistakes (misclassifications) made on the data. Typically, we would like to minimize the misclassification rate over the training data, by finding a set of parameters (weights) that make few errors. As with linear regression, we can notionally think about exploring the space of parameters, assigning each point a cost, and searching for the point with minimum cost.

However, the misclassification rate is often difficult to optimize directly. First, it is not smooth -- it changes value only when the decision boundary passes a data point, so it is constant until it changes abruptly one way or the other. There is thus very little "signal" about which direction we should modify the parameters, in order to reduce the error. Another consequence of such "flat" values can be seen when the data are linearly separable -- there may be a large set of linear classifiers that achieve zero error, but intuitively we can guess that some are likely to be better than others. Classification accuracy alone, however, judges these classifiers exactly the same way.

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Two linear classifiers with zero training error

Such difficulties motivate the use of "surrogate" loss functions -- error functions that we can use to replace the classification error that will be easier for us to optimize. The typical training approach is to learn parameters to optimize the surrogate loss, and hope (sometimes with good reason) that this also produces good classification accuracy.

Linear classification as a regression problem

The linear classifier has the form of thresholding a linear function of the features. How can we learn a good linear function? One simple way we could consider is just to learn a linear predictor of the class in the regression sense, and then threshold that value. So, for example, we define a variable , equal to the class value c, to predict using regression. We then regress the data to find parameters , and finally, we define our (real-valued) regression prediction as and our discrete class prediction as .

This is an example of a surrogate loss. We are normally interested in our misclassification rate, i.e., the fraction of data on which , or: But, our training of the model parameters using linear regression actually minimizes a different cost, the MSE of a linear predictor: So the model we find will have a good , but will it also have a good ?

In some cases it will, and in some it will not.

Last modified January 06, 2015, at 01:05 PM
Bren School of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine