A brief introduction to Matlab programming
See this cheat-sheet, or this one, for a list of many useful Matlab commands.
Matlab also has a number of toolboxes that can have many useful commands; see here.
Basics of Matlab
Defining scalars, vectors, and matrices
% Vectors and matrices
% Row-vectors are defined as:
a=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7],
% For sequences of values, you can use a colon form:
% Column-vectors are:
% Transpose and complex-conjugate transpose are .' and ', respectively:
% Matrices are defined similarly:
A = [1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8;9 10 11 12];
% Several useful constructors for matrices:
A0 = zeros(3,4); % create a 3x4 matrix of all zeros
A1 = ones(3,4); % create a 3x4 matrix of all ones
Ru = rand(2,2); % create a 2x2 matrix of uniform random numbers, in [0,1)
Rn = randn(3,2); % create a 3x2 matrix of Gaussian random numbers, mean 0 variance 1
B = repmat(b,[3,2]); % create a matrix by "tiling" copies of b (3 copies down and 2 across)
Arithmetic operations
% Arithmetic operations are defined for vectors and matrices, i.e.,
% adds the scalar value 2 to every entry of a; similarly for *,-,/, etc.
% You can add two vectors if they are the same size:
% but you cannot add two vectors that are not the same size (unless one is a scalar):
% To access an entry in a vector, use parentheses:
% For matrices, use two arguments
% These basic operations also generalize to n-dimensional arrays
% Arithemetic operations are defined for vectors and matrices, so that
a*c.' % The dot product between vectors a and c
A*b.' % The matrix-vector product of A and c
% Element-wise versions of times and divide are specified by .* and ./ :
a.*c, % The vector given by the elementwise product
% Matrix powers are ^ while elementwise powers are .^
R=A^2, % The matrix product R=A*A: R(i,j)=\sum_k A(i,k)*A(k,j)
R=A.^2, % The elementwise square of A: R(i,j)=A(i,j)^2
Arithmetic for scalars, vectors, and matrices
Logical relations
a = [0 1 2]; b = [0 0 2];
a==b, % test a(i)=b(i): returns logical vector [ 1 0 1 ]
a~=b, % test a(i)!=b(i): logical vector [ 0 1 0 ]
a<2, % test a(i)<2: logical vector [ 1 1 0 ]
any( a~=b ), % true if any a(i)!=b(i) for some i
all( a==b ), % true if all a(i)=b(i) for every i
M=[0 1 ; 0 0];
any( M ), % acts on individual columns of M; returns a logical row vector
Flow control
if (any(a)), %Best to be sure that test condition is a scalar!
fprintf('Some elements of a are true\n');
%While-loops behave normally; again best if test condition is a scalar
while (i<15),
fprintf('While iter %d \n',i); i=i+1;
%For-loops: step through the code with each value in a series
for i=1:10,
fprintf('Iteration %d \n',i);
i=i+2; %Note: changing i will not affect the next iteration!
for i=[7 2 9 13], fprintf('%d\n',i); end; % can step through any arbitrary series
%For line plots, use vectors of the x-values and y-values:
x=[1 1.5 2 3 3.5 4]; y=[0 2 0 4 4 3];
plot(x,y,'b-o'); % b=blue, -=solid line, o=circles at points
hold on; % plot over the current plot
plot(x,log(x),'r--'); % r=red, --=dashed line
%Data are plotted and connected in the order they are given:
x=[1 3 1.5 2 3.5 4]; y=[0 4 2 0 4 3];
plot(x,y,'g-.'); % plot the same points but in a different order
%Matlab has some useful pre-defined plotting & drawing functions, such as
% hist : compute and plot histograms
% bar : bar graphs (bar3 = 3D bar graph)
% surf, mesh: surface and mesh-frame surfaces
% contour: contour plot (contour3 = 3D contour)
% quiver : "quiver" or vector flow plot
% image: display an image (imagesc: with scaling)
%Finally, "colormap" sets the value-to-color interpretation in plots
Intermediate Subjects
You can access the internals of vectors with indices, or with logical vectors of the same size
a = [0 -1 2 -1];
idx=find( a < 0 ), % returns a list of indices where condition is true: idx=[2 4]
b = a( find(a>=0) ), % extracts subseries where condition is true: b=[0 2]
a( find(a<0) )=0, % replace negative entries with zero
a = [0 -1 2 -1]; % Here's an equivalent way to do the same thing using logical indexing:
b=a; b(b<0)=[]; % remove (replace with empty) positions where b < 0
a( a < 0 ) = 0, % replace negative entries with zero
Random numbers
u = rand(1,10); % 10 uniformly distributed random numbers in [0,1)
x = randn(2,10); % 2x10 "standard Gaussian" (independent, variance 1) draws
pi = randperm(10); % random permutation (reordering) of 1:10
s = ceil(10*rand(1,10)); % random re-sampling (bootstrap) from 1:10
% Seeds: often it is useful to have reproducible random numbers
rand('state',seed); % use "state" random # generator, with initial seed "seed"
randn('state',seed); % same idea, for the Gaussian random # generator
stats, optimization,
Structures and cell arrays
% Cell arrays store collections of mismatched objects (different in type or in size)
c{1} = rand(1,5); c{2} = rand(1,10); c{3} = uint32(1:5);
% Structs can also hold collections, but use names rather than vector/matrix indexing
s.myRandom = rand(1,5); s.myZeros = zeros(3,3);
% Command history
diary on; % record input & output to file diary
diary myFile.txt; % record input & output to file myFile.txt
diary off; % stop recording
% Saving and Loading
save file.mat; % save all variables to file.mat
load file.mat; % restore variables from file.mat
save file.txt var -ASCII; % save variable "var" to "file.txt" in ascii format
var = load('file.txt'); % load a single variable from a text file
Advanced Material
See Matlab Classes page.
Matlab is interpreted, and this can make it very slow at some things, including many for-loops or other repeated computations. Sometimes compiled code can be faster. Mex functions are compiled code, usually C or C++, that are called from Matlab. By definition, this makes them platform specific and must be recompiled on each architecture, but the performance boost can be worth it.