open = pqueueCell(1000); % pre-allocate memory for 1000 nodes
closed = containers.Map(toKey(start),H(start));
parent = containers.Map(toKey(start),'start');
open.push(-H(start),{start, 'start'}); % nodes consist of {state, parent}
nExpand=0; nMax=0; % initialize search statistics
while (~open.empty())
% Track A* statistics
nMax = max(nMax,open.size());
% Get current best from the priority queue
[fnode,node]=open.pop(); fnode=-fnode; % pop the current best node
state = node{1}; % and its state representation
stateKey = toKey(state); % (convert to a string key)
parent(stateKey)=node{2}; % Memorize its parent (as a string)
% If we found a goal, it's the optimum; return
if Goal(state) %
cost = fnode; % Save its cost
name=stateKey; d=1; % Recurse back through parents to get the path
while (~strcmp(name,'start')) path{d}=name; d=d+1; name=parent(name); end;
path = path(end:-1:1);
% Print statistics on the search
fprintf('A-Star expanded d, closed %d\n',nExpand,nMax,closed.Count);
% Otherwise, expand the node and add its children to the queue
gnode = fnode-H(state); % Compute cost so far from eval function
closed(stateKey)=fnode; % Remember the best-so-far cost for this state
[next,costs]=Suc(state); % Get list of successor states
for i=1:length(next),
if (strcmp(toKey(next{i}),node{2})) continue; end;
fnext=gnode+costs(i)+H(next{i}); % find eval function for each successor
kNext = toKey(next{i}); % check for repeated (worse) states
if (~closed.isKey(kNext) || closed(kNext)>fnext)
open.push(-fnext, {next{i},stateKey}); % if new or better, insert into open