Code /
LearnersMatlab learner classes for CS178 / CS273aThe following are matlab functions and classes designed to assist in exploring machine learning, and for use in homework and projects in my courses. Preprocessing and data manipulation% Data splitting and re-ordering operations [X Y] = reorderData(X,Y); % reorder (permute) data set [X Y] = bootstrapData(X,Y,nBoot); % resample (bootstrap) data set [Xtr Xte Ytr Yte] = crossValidate(X,Y,nFolds,iFold); % split data for n-fold cross validation [Xtr Xte Ytr Yte] = splitData(X, Y, trainFraction); % split data into training and test sets % Data pre-processing and feature operations [X scale] = rescale(X [,scale]) % scale data to unit variance [X mu sig] = whiten(X [,mu,sig]) % whiten (decorrelate) data [X feat] = fsubset(X, K [,feat]) % extract (random) subset of features [X proj] = fproject(X, K [,proj]) % (random) linear projection of features [X hash] = fhash(X, K [,hash]) % create random hash projection of F into K features X = fpoly(X, degree) % Xout = polynomial combinations of Xin X = fkitchenSink(X, K [,opt]) % create random transform of F into dimension K [X T] = fsvd(X, K [,T]) % PCA-based (SVD) projection of X into K dimensions % [X L] = fLDA(X, Y, K [,L]) % Fisher's LDA proj of X into K dimensions % Plotting plotClassify2D(learner, X,Y ,pre???); % plot data and classifier outputs on 2D data h = plotGauss2D( gMean, gCov, colorString, varargin) % plot a Gaussian ellipse shape in 2D % Basic Learners knnRegress(xTrain, yTrain, K) % k-nearest-neighbors regression using given training data linearRegress(xTrain,yTrain,l2reg) % linear regression, with optional L2-regularization treeRegress(xTrain,yTrain [,options{:}]) % decision-tree least-squares regression %neuralNet??? knnClassify(xTrain, yTrain, K) % k-nearest-neighbors classifier using given training data gaussBayesClassify(xTrain, yTrain, equalCovar) % learn Gaussian class-conditional distributions logisticClassify(xTrain,yTrain [,...]) % learn (mse loss) logistic regression classifier %perceptron??? %decisionTree??? %treeClassify??? %simpleStump %svmPrimal??? (or liblinear wrapper?) %svmDual??? %Ensembling methods baggedClassif(baseLearner,N [,Xtr,Ytr,...]) % learn N bagged classifiers of type baseLearner gradBoostRegress(baseLearner, N, [,Xtr,Ytr,...]) % learn N gradient boosted regressors of type baseLearner adaboost(baseLearner [,Xtr,Ytr,N]) % learn N boosted classifiers %ALSO: weighted combination? (1) Add classifiers, choose weight by hold-out; (2) Add with MSE, Netflix method? |