


 Factor list   (cell array)
 Vacant list   (stack: vector + scalar)
 Variables & dimensions somehow
 Variable adjacency (cell array)

 Factor()                              // blank constructor

 FL[3] *= 2.2 (?) -- should this change the matlab factor or not? (it does; good?)
 msg[i,j] = newmsg -- this needs to, but can call "set"...


 copy the vector toolkit, but with set operations
 add equal operator for matlab 
 extensible to Variables class? (dimensions?)
   probably not (probably need code repetition)?


 just the vector toolkit, but with cells? 
 Is it necessary?  Or can I just use the vector class somehow?
Last modified February 21, 2011, at 11:54 PM
Bren School of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine