

Mex-enabled / Matlab-compatible C++ container objects

  • mex::vector
    • mex::list
    • mex::set
    • mex::dequeue
  • mex::cellvector
  • mex::multimap
 //All mex-able objects share this interface
 void  mxInit();            // initialize any matlab-specific implementation
 bool  mxAvail();           // true if we already represent a matlab object
 bool mxCheckValid(const mpointer) = 0; // check validity of mxArray* for this c++ object type
 void mxCopy(mpointer m);   // create a *copy* (deep copy) of the matlab data & wrap it
                            //   for a shallow copy use: mxSet(); mxRelease(); mxGet();
 void mxSet(mpointer) = 0;  // wrap passed matlab data; assumes irrevocable, exclusive ownership 
 mpointer mxGet() = 0;      // Return a pointer to the wrapped object (created if required)
 void mxRelease() = 0;      // Disassociate from matlab object, leaving memory to matlab garbage collection
 void mxDestroy() = 0;      // Delete matlab object and revert *this to a clean T()
                            //   to keep a copy use e.g. Obj2=Obj; Obj.mxDestroy(); Obj.mxSwap(Obj2);
 mxObject& operator=(const myType&) = 0; // copy constructor (copy data contents)
 void mxSwap(myType&) = 0;  // exchange *matlab* identities of two objects (implement for each type)
 //For built-in data types; T = double, uint32_t, etc.
 vector<T>(n,val)                      // length-n vector filled with val

 reserve(n)                            // ensure enough memory for n data
 resize(n,val)                         // extend/reduce length to n, filling extras with val
 size()                                // current vector length
 capacity()                            // current memory size
 empty()                               // boolean empty check
 max_size()                            // maximum possible length
Last modified March 19, 2011, at 10:36 PM
Bren School of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine